Day 27. How are you Shifting Resources?

In this drastic economic downturn, there are creative ways for you to thrive and still position yourself and your business for growth.

Quite a number of people have asked me whether they should use the downtime and budget cuts to create their own content or to outsource key development and writing to freelancers or agencies. My answer is always, “It depends on where you are in your overall digital marketing strategy.” There are a lot of moving parts in digital marketing to say the least. In this challenging economic downturn, there are creative ways for you to thrive and still position yourself and your business for growth.

“Consumers are radically shifting to a new way of connecting with and buying from businesses.”

Content Strategy

Get a copy of this book on Amazon today for under $10 and read it this weekend (or the next two days). This is a game changer for us! This is a collaboration with Publiio LLC’s Keith R. Reynolds together with a team of seasoned professionals in the marketing, PR and IT industries. This methodology has proven to help companies:

  • position themselves for resiliency
  • recover from setbacks, streamline bottlenecks in a matter of days, not months
  • scale fast, efficiently and economically
  • prepare for ROI-driven content

Read book reviews.

Do Your Online Marketing and Sales Goals Need to be Adjusted?
The way we do business has changed drastically. Have you considered investing or allocating budget to developing and building your online presence because you lack the skill to do it in-house or on your own? If you have, consider tying this together with your traditional marketing and sales objectives and find out which channels can be shifted and re-focused online to establish marketing continuity in spite of the current economic conditions. You will be surprised:

  • how your customers’ buying habits have changed
  • how businesses find new meaning and ways to be remarkable
  • how business owners start to appreciate the value of online channels
  • how WFH has created new ways of collaborating, learning, upgrading skills

Team Productivity
Over the past month, businesses of all sizes have been getting their employees set up to work remotely and carrying on with mission-critical tasks seamlessly. Zoom meetings happen several times a day for some of us. Instant communication and online collaboration tools ensure that productivity and real-time visibility is maintained and timelines are adhered to as much as possible.

Before considering outsourcing the work, you have to ensure that the work process is fool-proof. Outsourcing WITHOUT any clear strategy is like building on sand. Steering remote teams towards the same direction is difficult without a north star and a solid methodology and framework.

After reading the book, you are welcome to download the ROI Calculator. If you need one-on-one guidance on implementing this methodology, you can schedule a walk-through.

The way businesses have adapted to change has a lot to do with their readiness to embrace new tools and new ways of working. It is not rocket science but whether you do it yourself or have your content done for you, you have to start with the end in mind: Marketing Continuity IS Business Continuity. Shifting resources is just one way to manage and adapt to change.

P.S. Just in case you are wondering what the mer-people in the cover stand for. Three words. Just keep swimming.